Sunday 26 January 2014

Modal verbs (can, can't)

Dear 1E,

Do you know what a modal verb is?

Here are more examples of modal verbs (can, can't)

Modal verb 2

Below are some pictures of our class activity where you had to approach your classmates and ask them if they can do certain things. Your classmates had to answer using either the response "Yes, I can" or "No, I can't".

Friday 24 January 2014

Library Period

Last Friday, during the Library period, 1E pupils went to the school library for a library induction programme.

The school librarian, Mdm Hamidah, led the induction tour by firstly informing the pupils basic library etiquette and the basic safety rules in the library.

Children are encouraged to borrow 1 English storybook and 1 Mother Tongue storybook. This is to encourage good reading habits in the children. Please note that the student cards will be issued some time in March and until then, the pupils cannot borrow any books. However, they are most welcome to visit the library and read books/magazines during recess or after school.

Once the cards are ready, the pupils should bring a photocopy of the cards and they can start borrowing books.

Thursday 23 January 2014


Today, 1E pupils were treated to a storytelling session conducted by an NLB personnel.

Hope you have enjoyed the paper folding story shared by Miss Christabel.


Wednesday 22 January 2014

Ice Art

Complimentary tickets have been issued to the pupils for children below 9 years old. It is a single entry ticket.

Monday 13 January 2014

Term 1 Spelling List

Dear 1E,

I have given you the spelling list for Term 1 today.

  1. Please have your spelling list signed by your parents.
  2. Start to learn your spelling words for Week 3.
To help you prepare for the spelling quiz next Monday, I have shared this link. Do have a look and practise your spelling words.

Click on this link: Term 1 Week 3 Spelling Words

Friday 10 January 2014

Classroom Decoration

On 10th January, some parents took time off to help in the classroom decoration. The students had a pleasant surprise this morning when they returned to class and saw the transformation. They now have a colourful learning environment.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the parents who have taken their precious time off to help.

A special thanks also goes to our little helpers: Kamariah, Akid, Claris and Noah.Thank you so much.

Best regards,
Mrs Lam

Thursday 9 January 2014

Buddy Leaders

For three days, Primary 3E pupils took care of the Primary 1E pupils during their recess. The leaders helped the lower primary pupils to settle well in school.

P1E pupils acknowledged that their leaders took good care of them. They are now more confident and know what to do during recess (e.g. going to the toilet or library, buying food at the canteen, playing at the parade square, etc).

A big “Thank You” to Primary 3E!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Temperature Taking Exercise

On 7 January, P1E had their first temperature taking exercise in class.

Although it was their first time doing it, the process went smoothly and most of them were able to follow the instructions.

The new thermometers were given to the children. This is in hope that it teaches them to be responsible children as they should be taking care of their thermometers and bringing it daily to school.

Monday 6 January 2014


Dear parent/guardian,

I am Mrs Lam, the form teacher of Primary 1E.

I will be teaching your child English, Mathematics and Social Studies.

I am looking forward to know both you and your child better.

I will do my best to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, this cannot be achieved without your assistance. I would need you to partner me in your child’s learning process; guiding your child at home and ensuring that he/she has completed all his/her homework promptly. He/ She will be instructed to jot down all homework for the day in his/her pupil handbook.

Kindly ensure that homework are completed and submitted on time.

I hope to groom your child to be a gracious pupil and a lifelong learner with the zest to excel.

Thank you,
Mrs Lam